And The Winner is …

Instead of reflecting on all things visual solution meets pressing business problem, I thought I would take a minute to gloat on the Number One spot for Infographic Agency this month.

june 2014 number 1.tiff

But I Can’t Resist Turning it Into Something Else

Odd the metaphysics of an award. Somehow an instantiation of excellence that is reflected in practice – a practice that passes through time – and yet no way to put that excellence in a bottle or test tube. The award – usually made of metal – cements that fact in a real physical form that you can hold and see. It is the instantiation of excellence.

And is This Not What Our Client Wants

And when our clients want their clients to see not only value – but UNIQUE differentiated value – they are saying they are THE ONE. Please give us the award – in this case, the contract to deliver this value to you through our solutions or service. And yet that unique differentiated value is difficult to put into a bottle …

Final Render

And How do Our Clients Get the Award?

Well like the metal award – our clients in pre-sales and marketing stages – need to put that unique value proposition into their prospects hands so they can touch it and imagine how that solution will deliver value in their circumstance.


Visuals Enable them to Have That Vision

Just like the physical award is testament to the unique achievements of the award winner – the visual solution takes your prospect by the hand (and heart) to engage them with your solution so they see the point and the unique value and paints a picture on how they will achieve their business goals with your solution.


If you would like a live demo and consultation on how Frame Concepts can engage your marketplace visually with your solution set, click here – Free Demo and Consultation.