The Most Comprehensive Visual Solution Company in the World.
We provide visual solutions and content marketing for business and technology professionals to enable understanding and deeper engagement in their offerings and brand.
Bringing Your Audience into Your Frame of Reference
Stephen Gamble formed Frame Concepts around the core idea that visuals promote engagement of the point at hand. Compelling explanatory visuals enable the audience to be put in the right “frame of mind” and to conceptualize the value of the offering. Frame Concepts’ mission is to enable audience understanding and engagement by integrating information design into every communication medium and application, across the entire enterprise, for every industry and organization type.
Visuals and Business are in Our DNA
The Frame distinctive difference lies in contextualizing each visual solution to the particular business need and function at hand – whether it’s a sales presentation, a content marketing campaign, a user interface for a new product, research visualization or training and change management. Our visual solutions are turnkey – each is enabled with relevant marketing services and technical programming – so they can be integrated into any enterprise, in any format, in any application.