
Engaging a Distracted Donor

Having to attract donations and membership fees has its own set of challenges. It all comes down to bringing your audience into the vision for your organization’s mission. But just like a For Profit corporation, your audience could put their donation or effort and concern elsewhere. You need to break through the noise and suggest that your approach and the value your bring to your audience and society in general is something they need to engage with. But first you need to get them into the correct frame of reference. That is where the Frame Concepts Visual Solutions can help.

Business Purpose

Can you show you are delivering the social good?

While the end goal is by definition not profitability, you still need to be concerned with analogous metrics of the enterprise, namely – awareness, engagement, membership conversion and donation and membership fees. Not For Profits leverage the Frame Concepts Visual Solutions for a variety of reasons:

  • Translation of Donation to Social Good – The bureaucratic trip of the donation dollar into value delivered into the hands that need it can be tangled – the Frame Visual Solutions connect the dots.
  • Your Audience is Distracted – Your audience has the “day job” and  you need to compete for their mind space and time.
  • Not For Profits can Viewed as Non-Innovative – You are developing innovative models of social good delivery and you want your audience onboard with your innovative vision.
  • You Have Goals and Deadlines  – That membership drive has to deliver results now – you audience needs to get you fast
  • Up the Excitement Factor – Your organization is doing fantastic things – show them with a provocative visualization.


The Masonic Children & Family Services of Texas (MCFS) presented annually to its constituents on how donation dollars were transforming the lives of the under privileged children and widows it served. In particular the charity was delivering dental kits for children and housing for widows. Through clever use of iconography, MCFS was able to show how their impact on the lives of children and widows have been increasing year by year.



Architects deliver and direct and indirect value to the community in obvious and not so obvious ways. The American Association of Architects wanted to impress this fact at a major lobbying event in Washington DC. But it also wanted to make sure that this infographic poster would be taken under the arm of its lobby group and congress members to be shared with their colleagues. The solution came in the form a infographic posted with an architectural theme and designed so it could fold easily to be carried away from the event. 


The American Institute of Chartered Public Accountants (AICPA) wanted to celebrate the colored history of the practice with an engaging interactive timeline. Through clever use of steering iconography and integration with the database of historic milestones and visual assets and programming in html5 and javascript, the AICPA was able to deliver this educational and engaging timeline both on tablet and desktop.


More Examples

To see more samples of the Frame Concepts Social Media and Visual Solutions as well as other visual solutions, click here to view a sortable portfolio.

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